General Qassem Soleimani, one of the principal of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and the vice-president of a XII Iraqi Militia, Abu Mahdi al Mohandes, have been murdered by the United States. The paper, which was broadcast from the Pentagon, attributes to Soleimani and the Quds Forces that led it "the responsibility of killing hundreds of Americans and coalition members and hurting thousands of people."
Iran's foreign minister, Mohamad Javad Zarif, has described Iraq's attack on Iran as "very dangerous". "Dangerous," added Javad Zarif, "because Soleimani was the most effective force fighting the Islamic State (IS), the Nusra Front and Al Qaeda." That is why the Iranian supreme leader, Ali Jamenei, warned that "there will be a harsh response from the Iranians".
Israelek eraso masiboak abiarazi ditu berriro ere Gaza osoan: Khan Younis eta Rafan Gaza hegoaldean, Gaza Hirian iparraldean eta eta Deir el-Balah-n erdialdean. "Familiak seme-alaben gorpuzkiak eskuetan zituztela iristen ziren ospitalera", adierazi du lekuko batek.
Berlinen martxoaren 8an izandako manifestazioa gogorki erreprimitu du Poliziak. Palestinaren aldeko aldarriak zeramatzaten manifestariek. Agintariek Alemanian arabierazko abestiak eta diskurtsoak debekatu dituzte manifestazioetan, "segurtasun publikoko" arrazoiak direla... [+]
A Palestinian state, two states or none. These are some of the solutions that are represented when referring to the conflict in Palestine. The State of Palestine may consist of the current Gaza and the West Bank, or it may be just Area A of the West Bank – an area controlled... [+]