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The U.S. Police again questions Trump’s attitude after his followers took the Capitol.

  • Activists and politicians have stressed that the blurry response to the Donald Trump supporters' offensive in Washington has nothing to do with the persecution suffered last year by the Black Lives Matter protests.

07 January 2021 - 16:04

Members of the global network Black Lives Matter believe that the attitude of the police during the assault on the Capitol of EE.UU. on Wednesday is nothing more than "an example of hypocrisy of the security forces of this country in the face of a protest". “Don’t be fooled, if the protesters were black, they would have stuck with us, thrown at tear gas and perhaps even fired.”

This gap that divides the United States has become apparent, according to CNN journalist Nicole Chávez. In his view, when the anti-racists took part in a peaceful demonstration in Washington last June, National Guard troops immediately settled on the Lincoln Memorial staircase “armed and in camouflage suit.” On the contrary, hundreds of people from the Trump area have taken the Capitol’s stairs and entered the building, “walking” indoors for several hours, and it is unclear who has launched the tear gas. Police, protesters, the two.

As a federal official has explained, the members of the National Guard were not expected to intervene – the fascists have been assaulting and have only activated this militia reserve for a long time – despite the fact that Trump and his followers had been protesting for the day on which they were going to ratify Democratic President Joe Biden for three weeks.

Instead, they have put the Capitol's civilian police in front of fascists who have stood up to their necks and armed: “That police force is more of a small group of municipal police than anything else, and they have been overcome,” said Mikel Aramendi in the Basque Country. According to the international expert, what we've seen on Wednesday is a measure or a "double" way of using the police compared to the Black Lives Matter.

Chavez recalled that when black citizen George Floyd was killed by a police officer with his knee, agents to suppress protests in the United States.

The social environment of the United States has been completely devastated in recent years. On the street, white supremacists have been supported by the state administration since Donald Trump came to power and know that the police are not going to oppose them. Moreover, the supremacist activists are infiltrated within the police, as former FBI agent Michael Germán has revealed; at this Net Gertu it was Jenofa Berhokoirigoin who explained this development. In fact, both the police and the outermost protesters have brought the same enemy up to Trump.

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