In addition to Parliament, the images have also been projected into Belmarsh prison, where Assange is imprisoned, according to the same sources. The video was released in 2010 by WikiLeaks. There, U.S. military personnel appear shooting at a group of civilians in Baghdad, two of whom were employed by the Reuters agency.
Besides the videos, slogans such as Assange's photo or "journalism is not a crime" were also projected on the facades of the two buildings.
The Australian entrepreneur created the website in 2006. Fleeing from the United States, he was detained for seven years at the London Embassy in Ecuador. The man was arrested in last year’s sentence, accused of sexually raping and assaulting a woman on the street in which she lived. The United States has called for extradition.
Through this Thursday’s action, they want to stress that Assange is a journalist and has done his job, so the information is not a crime.
In 2010, WikiLeaks, with the collaboration of mass media, published one of the widest leaks in the history of "secret" documents. Over 700,000 files of the U.S. intelligence services, which evidenced the opaque and cruel diplomatic and military actions of many governments and... [+]
Tuteran poliziaren erasoa gertatu eta Gladys Del Estal hil baina lau aste lehenago, Manuel Gutierrez Mellado Espainiako presidenteordeak AEBetako goi ordezkari batekin hitz egin zuen Bardeako tiro eremuaren inguruan. Zer ari ziren negoziatzen? Zer zegoen jokoan Erriberako bazter... [+]
Bi gertakari handik AEBak astindu dituzte azken asteetan. Alde batetik, Londresen Julian Assange atxilotu dute, Chelsea Manning lagundu zuelakoan gobernuaren pasahitz bat deszifratzen. Bestalde, Muller txostena delakoa osatu egin dute, aspalditik ikusmin handia sortu duen... [+]
Wikileakseko fundatzaile Julian Assange polizia britainiarrak atxilotu du gaur goizean, Ekuadorko Gobernuak aterpe politikoa kendu eta Londresko agenteei baimendu dienean enbaxadan sartzea.
Norvegiako poliziak ikerketa abiatu du Arjen Kamphuis-en desagerpenaren berri izan ostean. Azken urteetan mundu osoko botere ekonomiko eta politikoek ezkutuan zeuzkaten dokumentuak sareratzeagatik ezaguna egin den Wikileaks atariaren sortzaileetako bat da.