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United States stopped Nord Stream gas pipelines, according to Hersh, winner of the Pulitzer

  • The American journalist Seymour Hersh, winner of the prestigious Pulitzer Prize for Journalism, has released the news in a long and in-depth report, based on an anonymous source who, according to him, knows the operation well. It explains how in EE.UU. They had been fighting the pipeline for years and how the operation that exploded the pipeline on 26 September was conducted.

09 February 2023 - 12:25
Last updated: 2023-02-16 14:33

The Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline transporting gas from Russia to Germany was built in 2010 between the two countries to supply gas to Germany and other European countries with Russian gas. For a decade, both countries have benefited from the immense infrastructure, a gas that has been the engine of the German economy, and gas performance has warmed the Russian treasury. Nord Stream 2’s works began in 2018, but it was not yet in force because Russia gave orders not to use Germany after invading Ukraine.

As Hersh explains, EE.UU. saw from the outset the Nord Stream gas pipeline, which would increase Germany’s dependence on other European allies with Russia, and the risk of moving away from the US. In addition to what Hersh says, the United States complains a lot about it. Among other things, due to fracking, EE.UU. It had a lot of gas for both home and European countries.

However, as has been seen after the closure of the Russian gas source, the liquid gas from the United States that is to be transported on ships is four times more expensive than that of Russia. In addition, gas money strengthened Russia considerably. The United States was therefore right enough to face Nord Stream and when Joseph arrived at the Bide White House, he decided to oppose it.


There was a nine-month debate between different American security associations to decide how to oppose the gas pipeline. It was an absolutely secret operation, which would leave no clue, otherwise it would be an “act of war”, and that was absolutely avoidable. “It was not a question of deciding whether a mission should be done – says Hershek in the report – but of how to do it without leaving any hint about the author.”

In early 2022, the task force that was preparing the operation informed the White House that “we have a way to make pipelines crack.” And on 7 February, Biden’s president publicly announced to Katziller Olaf Scholz at his meeting with him in the White House that “if Russia invades Ukraine… there will be no Nord Stream 2. We’ll end it.”

But it was not a secret topic: “Twenty days earlier, Deputy Secretary Nulan sent a similar basic message at a briefing by the Secretary of State. There were few media outlets and in response to a question he said: “Today I want to be very clear with you, if Ukraine invades Russia, in one way or another, Norde Stream 2 will not continue.”


Once decided that it was to be carried out, there was only a need to determine when, where and how. It was decided that some European allies should be aware of the operation and that it would be carried out with one of them, Norway. This country was one of the founders of NATO, very opposed to Russia and technically prepared to cooperate in such an operation.

Norway recommended that the NATO Baltops manoeuvres of 2022 would be a safe context for Russia not to have any suspected operation. These manoeuvres are carried out in the Baltic Sea 21 years ago and all types of military vessels and equipment are used. EE.UU. offered a new coverage to organise a de-activating activity of sea mines in manoeuvres that turned the Sixth American Fleet into the context of the Nord Stream operation. The explosives would be placed with timers and would explode again at 48 hours after the manoeuvres were completed. The Norwegians recommend that the attack should have occurred in the waters of the island of Bornholm, in Danish waters, where the waters do not reach 80 metres deep and the water flow is lower.


However, when everything was ready, Biden wondered whether it was not too obvious that the pipeline would explode two days after the end of the manoeuvres. The White House wanted to leave the explosives in place to make them explode when appropriate. Was it possible? This made the complex operation more difficult in itself, because they didn't know when the US president's mandate could be given, two weeks or three months, but it was possible.

Thus, during the June war manoeuvres explosives were developed and on 26 September a Norwegian Navy aircraft launched a buoy that sounded to activate them when carrying out routine surveillance. Three of the four pipelines exploded and in a few minutes methane gas was on the surface of the sea, bringing forth huge bubbles so well known in the world.

Who was it?

The Western media immediately spread the hypothesis that Russia has been the author of the attack. For those who have followed the geopolitics of the last decades of the world, the United States was the main suspects. What interest could Russia have in ending its golden chicken? None. The United States, on the other hand, had great interests in ending the gas pipeline, and Norway also regarded it as a friend of the operation. They could both sell gas to Germany and the rest of Europe. But in addition, the energy cord linking Germany and Russia was definitely broken with the explosion.

The report by U.S. journalist Seymour Hersh explains last September’s question to US Secretary of State on the energy crisis in Europe, Antony Blyk, who responded that “it is an opportunity to end Russia’s energy dependency and, therefore, for Vladimir Putin to advance his imperial intentions by removing the energy weapon. This is very important and opens up many strategic opportunities for the coming years.”

Asked about the issue, the authorities of the White House and Norway deny everything that appears in the report.

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