Thus, the United States has completed its evacuations by meeting the deadline set by the Islamic State (IS) for its evacuation. "I am here to announce that we have carried out the withdrawal process from Afghanistan and that we have terminated the mission of evacuating the most vulnerable Americans, foreigners and Afghans," he said. On the last flight from Kabul Airport was operated by Ross Wilson, acting U.S. ambassador. The United States has already announced that it is going to take the Afghan Embassy in the United Kingdom. Although he will not have permanent diplomatic representation, McKenzie has said that they will continue to fight the diplomatic route to find the Americans who are in Afghanistan and the Afghans who want to flee there.
In this regard, the general has said that since 14 August the United States troops have evacuated more than 79,000 civilians, including 6,000 Americans. With the help of international troops, some 123,000 people have left Afghanistan in recent hours.
Gudarako droneen teknologian milioika dolarreko inbertsioak egin ostean, “historiako aire kanpaina zehatzena” iragarri zuen Barack Obama, AEBetako presidenteak. 2014tik gaur arte Pentagonoak bildutako dokumentuak aztertuta, ordea, “aire guda hau inteligentzia... [+]
We arrived in Urueña surrounded by walls when we traveled through the vast and arid land of the province of Valladolid. It's a town as small as it's curious. Although it does not have 200 inhabitants, there are eight bookstores, a literary museum and a corner of known stories... [+]