Ño is born of the experience and experiences of the Bertsolaris women! Comic, presenting ten bertsos situations through drawings and words (but not verses). The authors presented the work at the Ziburu Feria del Libro y Disco Vasco in June, and on Thursday they will open a special initiative in Hernani.
With the original drawings of Gartziandia will be displayed on the walls of the central rooms of the Plaza Feminista Intercultural, to represent the entire work process, and on Thursday at 18:00. Pagola and Artetxe will move through images to share situations with people approaching. Once the tertulia is finished, the delicacies of the stomach will be removed and the illustrations will be distributed. The exhibition will remain open until 27 October.
Laba de Pamplona, 5 October
A week later they will present Ño at the Laban de Pamplona. all three authors. Laban, Pagola, Artetxe and Gartziandia, Plaza de Euskalgintza, will count on the presence of bertsolari Irati Majuelo, who will guide the presentation through the questions and accompany the projected images.
Ihes plana
Agustín Ferrer Casas
Itzulpena: Miel A. Elustondo
Harriet, 2024
1936ko azaroaren 16an Kondor legioko hegazkinek Madrilgo zenbait museori egin zieten eraso. Eta horixe bera da liburu honetara... [+]
SCk Zerocalcareri egindako galdera sorta eta honen erantzunak, jarraian.
Bildumako azken alea izango dela jakinarazi dute: lehenbizikoa Ni-ari buruzkoa izan zen, eta bigarrena Zu. Bigarren hura bezala, autoedizioan kaleratu du honakoa ere.
Texts: Illustrations Eli Pagola and Miren
Artetxe: Luz Maitane
Gartziandia, 2023
Before and after the comic, both on the skin and back provided, as well as inside tapas and tapas, there are images and words... [+]
Biga (5 books)
Screenplay: Illustrations Romain
Pujol: Vincent Seguros
We've read eleven stories at home to our seven- and nine-year-olds, and I would say that I've never seen them so hooked that with the... [+]
Anker: Gregorio muro harriet
Illustrations: Alex Male
Color: Garluk Aguirre
Harriet, 2023
The Anker comic is located in January 2019. In the Russian regions, near the borders of China and North Korea. It shows the mafias that are flourishing the Siberian... [+]