You can play between three and six people, also online. Set in the Middle Ages of the Basque Country, the lamias, Mari, the Gentiles... will be the protagonists of this game that intends to overcome the challenges posed to them along the way. You can play both experts and beginners.
The goal is, on the one hand, to speak Basque in role-playing; and on the other, to “learn in a more fun way” about history and mythology, according to Azedo, in an interview by the journalist of Berria Ane Insausti. “We’re used to learning history through textbooks, it’s a static thing; and through the game, you enter and live in that world the situation of the time.”
What is Adur?
— Role-playing game ADUR (@AdurJokoa) May 19, 2021
There goes the thread:
The game of the 1990s
Adur is a game that has its roots in the 1990s. It was then that Azedo created it to work with his friends: “At that time, role-playing was not very well known, we used to play very few people. Lately, people have started to get to know the role games, they're opening up, and I've been encouraged to write the game invented a long time ago," he says, talking about the book.
More and more are working in Basque in role-playing games. Proof of this is the @rolariak Telegram channel, which brings together some 40 people, and last year organised Rolaldia, which brought together between 80 and 100 people.
Financing campaign
A crowdfunding campaign on the platform will be launched at the end of May and people are encouraged to make their contribution: The people who contribute will receive a copy of the game in return.
It seemed that the day would never come, but the collection of will start next week! On Friday, May 21, we will make a little direct to present the campaign. Don't miss the cover and the design of the coins!
— Role-playing game ADUR (@AdurJokoa) May 10, 2021
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