From the change of government in Pamplona, from UPN to EH Bildu, the City of Pamplona announced in the Official Bulletin of Navarra of Navarra, on March 26, 2024, the first call for employment for admission to the administration. It is a job to work in public, but the City Council has not asked for the Basque. “If you have not valued it, when will you value it?” Administrazioa Euskaraz said.
He adds that in the City of Pamplona there are jobs with a bilingual profile, but they are very few, and sometimes they are occupied by people who do not know Euskera”.
They also denounce the attitude of the City of Ansoáin, since, according to Article 17 of the Official Bulletin of Navarra of 16-6-2000, in all the calls for job provision made by the City of Ansoáin, knowledge of the language will be valued as merit. In addition, Article 18 states that in jobs not directly related to citizenship, the valuation of the Basque Country shall be 5% of the total points of the call (competition plus opposition) and in posts of direct relationship the valuation of the Basque Country shall be 10%.
The Ansoáin City Council has recently convened four calls for works: a competition for the Office of Human Resources Management (BON). de Navarra of 15 February 2024), competition for the provision of the post of First Agent of the Municipal Police (BON of 22 February 2024), competition for the Plaza de Técnico de Urbanismo (BON of 21 March 2024) and competition for the relationship of cooks. The municipal group Administrazioa Euskaraz denounces that the Basque knowledge in the position of Agent of the Municipal Police is valued at 1.65% and that it is not scored in the other calls.
In addition, he says that a citizen has appealed to the City Hall for the calls for places of Human Resources and Municipal Police: “The City Hall replies that he is not interested, so the appeal is not accepted. Nothing else.” It therefore appeals to the Administrative Court of Navarra.
Iruñeko Euskalgintzak azaldu duenez, hirian dauden 12 udal haur-eskoletatik bakarra dago euskaraz murgiltze ereduan: "Horrek esan nahi du eskola horietan eskainiko diren 1.069 plazetatik 130 bakarrik izango direla euskaraz (%12'16a)". Eskaintza murritz hori... [+]
Haur Eskolak Euskaraz plataformak deituta, herritar talde batek protesta egin zuen otsailaren 2an Nafarroako Legebiltzarraren aurrean, Iruñeko Udalak hiriaren haur eskoletan euskararekin duen jarrera baztertzailea salatzeko.
2022-2023 ikasturterako eskaini dituzten 1.069 plazetatik soilik 130 dira murgiltze eredukoak. Beste 129 plazek euskaraz gain ingelesezko jarduerak ere izango dituzte. Haur Eskolak Euskaraz plataformak eta EH Bilduk salatu dute Navarra Sumak euskarari egindako beste eraso bat... [+]