A four-month-old family and two four-year-old children have been evicted this Monday morning from their home in Bilbao. The Housing Union AZET, which in recent days has tried to paralyse eviction by judicial means, has been evicted this Monday morning.
The union has denounced that the family has been the victim of fraud, as Naiz has reported that the house was under sub-rental. Although the family was paying the rent to a person, the person was not paying the landlord. Therefore, the homeowner filed a complaint after several months without receiving any financial aid, according to the same source.
At 9:00 hours, several family members have concentrated in front of the house portal to stop eviction and support the family. So far, troops have been displaced from the Ertzaintza and the Municipal Police, which have charged the concentrates. The union has disseminated several images of what happened in the fire area.
:red_circle: The Ertzaintza has charged the people who defended the family portal.
— AZET Hogar Sindikatua (@AzTaldea) December 9, 2024
The police have managed to enter and are preparing to leave the family homeless.
Their possessions or our lives, there's no middle term. pic.twitter.com/NaRDUrWPxs
At 10:30 a.m., the delegation of the court responsible for executing the eviction arrived, which was expelled in a few minutes from the family building. At the moment, the family has been transferred to the Municipal Emergency Social Service. AZET explained that they have contacted the social services of the City Council of Bilbao to enable the relocation of an interim family.
To denounce the eviction, AZET called a demonstration on Monday at 19:00 in Plaza Corazón de María, in San Francisco. In addition, the Housing Unions of the Basque Country have called for a national mobilisation on 14 December in Bilbao in defence of the right to housing and against all evictions.
We appeal to go to the MANIFESTATION to denounce the eviction of today and to demand a dignified and stable alternative for the family.
— AZET Hogar Sindikatua (@AzTaldea) December 9, 2024
At 19:00 hours from Plaza Corazón de
María (San Francisco). pic.twitter.com/9V8wU88wwR
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