On 4 January, the Ertzaintza detained in Donostia-San Sebastian a 31-year-old man accused of attempting to sexually abuse two underage women. The events took place at 21:00 p.m. in the centre of the Gipuzkoan capital. A group of young people went to a Ertzaintza patrol to ask for help in the operation.
At the time the aid was requested, the male left and the Ertzaines immobilized, identifying the male. In the act, the testimonies of the girls were collected to know what happened. Apparently, the man had grabbed one of the two women by hand and tried to kiss her. Although she also grabbed the other woman by her hand, she managed to leave. The Ertzaintza arrested the male because she was unable to commit sexual abuse to the two minors, according to witnesses' testimonies.
The detainee will be tried on 12 January at the Donostia-San Sebastian Guard Court.
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