Associations that have fought for public custody have warned that they will set up a federation in Álava, Babes Abertzaleak (Bizkaia), Gipuzkoako Senideak (Gipuzkoa) and Irauli Zaintza. CAV associations have stressed that more and more have denounced the poor quality of care and privatisation.
After analyzing the situation of nursing homes and care in the CAV, they have requested a meeting of the Council of Equality, Justice and Social Policies to request participation in the forums that the Basque Government is creating. They have denounced the neglect of family associations when they are informed of the bodies and commissions being set up by the Provincial Council and the Basque Government.
On the other hand, the associations have stated that the statements of the Members have gone through the "red line". An official from Osakidetza and the Social Policy Deputy from Gipuzkoa reported that the number of deaths at a headquarters in Gipuzkoa was not real and that there was no “lack of coincidence between real and official data” and that it was no different from what happened at other locations.
The associations of the three territories have conducted surveys for the territories of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. 70% of the residences of Álava, 55% of Gipuzkoa and 65% of Bizkaia. From these surveys, we extracted answers to the fact that the flexibility of the restrictive measures in the residences is far from reality and has left family members and users without any participation. In almost all residences, the right of residents to an individual plan and to have a reference person appointed is not respected.
Etxeko langile diren eta zaintza lanetan aritzen diren emakumeentzako etxea abian jarri dute Berriozarren. Zortzi pertsonendako lekua duen pisua gaitu dute zaintzan diharduten langileak 6-12 hilabetez espazio duin eta seguru batean bizi daitezen. SOS Arrazakeria Nafarroak eta... [+]
The legislature has ended and the PNV-PSE has not taken steps to change the custody model. The Lehendakari dismisses with a powerful campaign "Towards a Basque pact for care", denouncing "the political use and manipulation of care".
On 1 February, at the visit of the... [+]
I participated in the camp of small revolutions in July to reflect on care. Around the table we sat five women: Laura and Shirley of the Association of Household and Care Employees of Álava; Paula and Ainhoa of the group “Lives of all in the center”; and Kukuso, me.
As... [+]
Urkullu has on many occasions called for the public-private partnership that is at the heart of the capitalist system, but without any intention of explaining what that connection is today. When the public is complementary and dependent, it cannot oppress the interests of the... [+]