The news is by the end of July, but it has gone quite unnoticed: The former vicar has been named for the church of Beasain.
A few years ago, the allegations made by several men revealed what happened between 2001 and 2005: Mendizábal participated in the camps for boys and girls aged 13 to 16 on behalf of the Church of the Scenes and committed sexual abuse to several. One of the victims told Berria that while he slept, the cleric touched his penis and testicles while he masturbated with the other hand; when the boy told him, Mendizabal denied him and declared that the child had a nightmare.
But later, in the process undertaken by the Church in the framework of the complaints, Juan Kruz Mendizabal accepted sexual abuse: the Church sent her to a monastery and publicly prohibited her from acting as a priest, as well as staying with minors if they were not adults in the area.
It seems that in the Goierri area there have been several masses in recent years. Now, as I say, he has been appointed to work in Beasain.
Delitua preskribatuta egonik ere, biktimen aitortza bermatuko du legeak. Nafarroako Gobernuko indarrek aurkeztu dute lege proposamena, eta EH Bildu eta Ezkerraren babesa ere izan du. Navarra Sumak, aldiz, kontra bozkatu du.