The media outlet Noticias de Navarra reports that the Court of Navarre has ruled that the Coach committed a minor sexual assault on the young girl. Thus, the Criminal Court No. 1 of Pamplona confirms the sentence handed down in July 2024. The trainer will have to pay a fine of 5,040 euros and compensate the victim with 2,000 euros. Likewise, you will not be able to maintain regular and direct contact with minors in any profession and activity for two and a half years.
The sexual assault occurred on April 24, 2023. The defendant was a coach and a girl player, a quarry player coach and a club assistant. The verdict covers how the attack took place: while they were in the batting tunnel, he accidentally approached him from behind and kissed him on the lips twice. She didn't react. After a while he kissed her for the third time in the same tunnel and she rejected the coach's attitude.
The defendant appealed the sentence
The attacker questioned the accuser’s version. He argued that the complaint caused him professional harm and suggested that the minor had filed a complaint because his family had disagreements with the club officials. She added that her social media contacts were initiated by the girl and she “liked” the messages she posted.
According to the court’s ruling, the complainant’s testimony was “permanent, expressed in a concrete, coherent and firm manner.”
The judge noted in the resolution that before the attacks, they had been “in some way, in love games” during the exchange of messages, but that after the kisses, the atmosphere of dialogue changed. Since then, “in a joke environment, the coach wrote, not the girl.” After the attack, the girl suffered from discomfort and nervousness and received care services for victims of gender-based violence. He received psychological help.
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