The police operation called Jaro has been involved in a fight that has lasted for more than five years. The twelve defendants, accused of belonging to a criminal organisation and the uprising of terrorism, have suffered a wave of solidarity from the left and the Galician nationalists.
Elvira Souto, of the Galician Observatory for the Protection of Rights and Freedoms, told us what happened in the JARO operation: "In 2015, the police carried out an operation that nobody expected, the so-called JARO, which has become a police operation. Nine people from the political party Causa Galiza were arrested, around a few hours in the evening, for false abuses. It was amazing. It was a legal political association, with legal political activity within the legal system of the Spanish State. The houses and workplaces were registered, they took everything they wanted: computers, documentation of the association... They did really unpleasant things. One of the detainees had a heart condition and had just been intervened, so his brother was taken to his home to see the detainee as well. On their way to Madrid, they had their head covered, suffered threats or blasphemies... Unfortunately, less weird things.
The National Court had temporarily banned the activity of Causa Galicia, but then lifted the ban and it seemed that everything would be forgotten. Then, in 2018, the second police operation, called Jaro 2, arrived. In this case, the militants of the Ceivar organization were arrested. Ceivar is a movement against repression, supporting the prisoners, offering lawyers to the detainees...”
Datorren larunbatean aurkeztuko dute ekimena Santiago de Compostelan. Kataluniako Òmnium Cultural elkartearekin antzekotasunak dituztela adierazi dute sortzaileek.
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