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Legalization of the right to abortion in Argentina

  • December 30 is a historic day in Argentina. The Senate has approved that until week 14 abortion should be legal, as reported by the Upper House. The 38 votes in favour, 29 against and one abstention supported the demand for the years of the feminist movement in the Basque Country. On the street, thousands of people have welcomed the decision.

30 December 2020 - 09:19
Kolore berdea izan da mugimendu feministen aldarrikapenaren kolorea.

On December 30, the Argentine Senate has finally passed the bill that includes the right to abortion until week 14. Following the approval of the Chamber of Deputies on 11 December last, the last milestone was 30 in the Senate. The result of the vote was not clear, in the absence of hours for the debate to begin. Until the last moment all the options were on the table, and also the draw, which is not over. The goal of feminist movements and pro-legal parties was not to repeat 2018: after the passage of the law by the Congress of Deputies, the Senate rejected it: 31 in favour, 38 against. However, the proposal for a law has received the support of 38 Members, seven more votes than two years ago, and it has therefore rejected the proposal.

As soon as we know the decision, joy has dissipated among the thousands of people waiting on the street:

Religious and ultra-conservative groups have put a lot of pressure on the criminalisation of abortion, but this time it has not been enough. Argentina thus joins the path previously undertaken by Cuba and Uruguay to include the right to abortion as a law. In South America and Central America, the countries that recognize this right are a minority.

Development of the law

The project of legalization of abortion allows to interrupt the pregnancy until week 14, while recognizing the conscientious objection of professionals dissatisfied with this medical practice. The period of week 14 shall not apply where the pregnancy is the result of a violation, in the case of children under 13 years of age or where the life of the woman is in danger. If children under the age of 16 choose to have an abortion, the consent of the parents or guardian will be required. People over the age of 16 have full capacity to give their consent for themselves and to interrupt pregnancy. If a private entity lacks professionals to interrupt the pregnancy, the woman will be relocated to another entity, according to the bill.

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