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Trial begins for the resolution of competition within the EA party

  • The members of the official EA sector have met one by one in court and are critical of this line. Subject of discussion: access to the list of participants. Internal political conflicts within the party have emerged around this issue and the rope is longer: the leadership of the party is at stake.  

10 June 2020 - 11:11
EAko kideak epaiketan. Argazkia: Jorge Muñoz Argazkia: Jorge Muñoz

The two sectors that intend to take over the leadership of Eusko Alkartasuna have been seen this Wednesday in the courts, on the first day of the trial that will decide the election of the secretary-general. The process, which was to begin in March, was suspended due to a health emergency, the Ertzaintza said. Following the deferral, the sitting on Wednesday and two others for next week has been set, namely 16 and 17 June.

The struggle for party leadership is the one that has brought both sectors before the judge. The sector to which Maiorga Ramírez represents denounces that the management denied them the data of the members of the training in the Lower House. Therefore, even though Eba Blanco won the primaries for the party secretariat, the judge cautiously suspended the inauguration. In any case, it is Blanco who, today, is the leader of the party.


According to News of Gipuzkoa, the court has quoted several witnesses to this event. These include former Secretary-General and head of EA’s Electoral Management Commission, Joseba Gezuraga, several official line managers and two members of the Securities Commission who do not comply with their decisions.

Supporters of White

Both groups have been criticised and reproached. According to the official line, Eba Blanco "has, in addition to legitimacy, all the burdens inherent in the office of secretary-general, such as running the party, running for elections on July 12 or replacing the party in its highest rank". They also regretted that the judicial process took place "on the eve of elections that are key interests" of the Basques. "It's not the time to fight. What has led to the trial are the internal regulations that have to be resolved within the party, but not on the eve of elections that are so important to rebuild Euskal Herria, let alone in the courts," Blanco supporters argue.

Protest by critics

For its part, the critical sector supported by Karlos Garaikoetxea regrets that the so-called official sector “continues to violate the resolutions of the Securities Commission” and instead requests to leave the affiliate file “in the hands of the entire executive”, where both sectors are represented. In addition, critics believe that the Securities Committee resolutions have been "systematically breached" by EA members who have been most responsible, such as Pello Urizar, Joseba Gezuraga and Eba Blanco. The official line has also been accused of "misinformation" of the facts and of "interested misrepresentation" of them.

Political conflict

The struggle for party control has been the result of the political conflict in the EA. Officials are firmly committed to integrating the party into the electoral coalition led by EH Bildu. Critics, for their part, see in this EA coalition the risk of "disappear" and stress that they want to "maintain their party status".

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