The aim of the initiative is to provide financial support to the agents working in the empowerment of the Basque Country. To make the contribution you will be able to buy baskets of local products from 24 October to 14 November.
The solidarity campaign was presented on 23 October in Bilbao under the slogan “Agerre uzta euskarari puzka”. The members of Errigora have stated that it is necessary to act "more strongly than ever" to respond to the needs of the Basque country. For this reason, they have offered the possibility to buy baskets with products from the middle and south of Navarre to provide the Basque sector with the means. 25% of the value of the baskets will go to the agents responsible for the promotion of the Basque country: AEK, Ikastolak, Sortzen and Hearing.
Haizea Lizarbe, member of Errigora, has stated that "today more than ever" must act "more strongly". In his appearance this Wednesday, he insisted on the need for the Basque to spread freely and said that they will continue to work to give the Basque "the place it deserves". José Ángel Iribar, a historical player of Athletic Club and a fan of the Basque language, said that the needs of the Basque language must be met with solidarity. In this respect, they have presented the campaign, which is now complete.
The offer of this year’s Euskarari Puzka campaign is new. As opposed to other years, three baskets will be available in 2024. A black basket, of 55 euros, composed of conventional products of the area; a green basket, of 65 euros, with typical and "more innovative" products, all ecological; and a red basket, of 75 euros, full of more special products related to Christmas.
Orders can be placed via the web or through brochures at distribution points. The baskets can be picked up in more than 200 locations throughout the Basque Country. Applicants will receive the products by the end of November or early December.
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