UTE 100 years. Thanks to this exhibition entitled Emakumeak Aberria Eginez, the Equality Association has launched research to reclaim the history of women who participated in this feminist and Euskaltzale network, especially in Irun. In fact, although Irun's working group was set up in 1932, it is composed of 300 women trying to recover the memory of those women who worked in the exile of the post-war 36 from Iparralde.
In addition to withholding Basque culture, during the war they faced hunger and poverty from beneficence, spies also met on the net, and in addition to fighting for women’s right to vote, they were an active part of the second line of war, falsifying documentation in Belgium or collaborating in the exile of nationalists, socialists and communists.
Documents were also found at the time when it was signed in Biarritz. Irene Kastezubi, a member of the association, has explained that at the moment they have been able to identify seven women from Irun and have called for help to identify other women who appear in a photograph taken at the Batzoki in Irun.
The exhibition is open until Friday from 10:30 to 13:00 hours and from 17:30 to 20:00 hours at the IdeLeku headquarters of the PNV of Irun.
PPrekin eta EH Bildurekin negoziazioetan porrot egin ondoren etorri da Ahal Dugurekin adostutako akordioa. Indar politiko honek aitortu duenez, maximalismoak atzean utzi eta errealitateari heldu diote, errenta baxueneko herritarren aldeko akordioa lortuta.
Plataformak "atzerapausotzat" hartu du Eusko Jaurlaritzako Etxebizitza eta Hiri agendako sailburu Denis Itxasok berriki iragarri izana lurzoru urbanizagarrietako etxe babestuen proportzioa %75etik %60ra jaistea. Pradales agintera iritsi zenetik alokairu soziala eskatzen... [+]
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