The initiative was presented this Saturday at the EiTB headquarters in Donostia-San Sebastián. The promoters have taken the word Imanol Esnaola and Oihana Maritorena. They call the citizens to meet at 12:30 on April 4 in the squares of towns and cities. At that time, an "audiovisual signal" will be disseminated on social networks as well as on the various local radio and television stations. “We appeal both to listen to the signal at once and to host concerts with musicians from the village.” They have encouraged citizens to decide what to sing in each place, but they have proposed three songs of the initiative: Gernikako Arbola, Txoria TXORI and Ikusi mendizaleak.
Conciliation and Communism
According to the organizers, last year’s Aberri Eguna, held in the middle of the lockdown, was a success, as thousands of citizens and collectives joined the call to celebrate it in windows and balconies: “The Aberri Eguna set of 2020 showed that convergence is also possible in Euskal Herria”. In “complex societies” such as ours, they see unity as difficult, but note that “convergence is more possible”. They have proposed to promote the construction of a country based on communism. In this sense, on April 4 they asked the citizens “a gesture”, “singing together all over the Basque Country”
The promoters of the popular initiative Euskal Herria Batera, we propose a proposal for the Aberri Eguna of 2021. Decorate the windows and balconies with our symbols and at 12:30, in the squares or in the place where we are, make a sign.
— Euskal Herria Batera #aberrieguna 2021 (@aberrieguna) March 13, 2021
The members of the Euskal Herria Batasuna promoter group are:
1. Ainhoa Aiensa Laborda, a supermarket worker. Pamplona, Alta Navarra.
2nd Aitor Servier Etxexuri, Bertsolari. Azkaine, Lapurdi.
3. Amaia Merino Unzueta, Filmmaker. Barañáin, Alta Navarra.
4. Amaia Nausia Pimoulier, historian. Pamplona, Alta Navarra.
5. Anabel Arraiza Artieda, Cultural activist. Lakuntza, Alta Navarra.
6. Angel Oiarbide Ruiz, Technical Architect. Idiazabal, Gipuzkoa.
7. Basilio García Mayo, retired agent of the Municipal Police. Amurrio, Álava.
8. Carlos R. Etxepare Rambosio, journalist. Buenos Aires, Argentina
9. Carlos Martínez Etxeberria, Student. Murchante, Alta Navarra.
10. Dorleta Kortazar Alkoz tells stories. Eskoriatza, Gipuzkoa.
11. Eduardo Gaviña, Yogurinha Borova. Travesti and Cultural Activist. Laudio-Bilbao, Araba-Bizkaia.
12. Eneko Axpe Iza, Scientist, Barakaldo, Bizkaia.
13. Estitxu Garai Artetxe, Publicista Gordexola, Bizkaia.
14. Gaizka Aranguren Urrotz, Journalist. Pamplona, Alta Navarra.
15. Garazi Hach Embarek Irizar, Professor. Ormaiztegi, Gipuzkoa.
16. Grazi Etchebehere, former nurse. Ortzaize, Baja Navarra.
17. Iduzki Soubelet Fagoaga, professor of social psychology at the UPV/EHU, member of International. San Juan de Luz, Lapurdi.
18. Iera Agirre Iturriaga, Pelotari. Leitza, Alta Navarra.
19. Iker Goñi Antuñano, Entrepreneur. Getxo, Bizkaia.
20. Iker Villa Baraja, musician. Barakaldo. Biscay.
21. Imanol Esnaola Arbiza, Gaindegia coordinator. Oiartzun, Gipuzkoa.
22. Imanol Goirigolzarri Malaxetxebarria, Retired. Mungia, Bizkaia.
23. Inaxio Kortabarria Abarrategi, Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa.
24. Iñaki Dorronsoro Plazaola, former president of Eusko Ikaskuntza. Ataun, Guipúzcoa.
25. Iñaki Pujana Aguirre, Carrier. Dima, Vizcaya.
26. Iratxe Delgado Arribas, Alumna. Durango, Bizkaia.
27. Josu Camara Izagirre, Actor Lezama, Bizkaia.
28. Maddalen Arzallus Antia, bertsolari Hendaia, Lapurdi.
29. Maialen Sáez de Okariz Ruiz de Sabando, Nurse. Vitoria, Álava.
30. Maitena Diribarne, Professor. Donibane Garazi, Baja Navarra.
31. Markel Susaeta Laskurain, footballer. Eibar, Gipuzkoa.
32. Mirari Martiarena Iraola, humorist. Oiartzun, Gipuzkoa.
33. Kike Amonarriz Gorria, Euskaltzale. Tolosa, Gipuzkoa.
34. Mario Zubiaga Garate, professor at the EHU-UPV. Durango, Bizkaia.
35. Mattin Rafu Ruiz de Alda in Laakson. Urruña, Lapurdi.
36. Mikel Irizar Intxausti, Retired. Elorrio, Bizkaia.
37 37. Nerea Loron, La Furia, Abeslaria. Cascante, Alta Navarra.
38. Oihana Maritorena Genbe, Actress and Teacher. San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa.
39. Paola Charron, Guide. Larresoro, Lapurdi.
40. Pello Otxandiano External, Engineer. Otxandio, Bizkaia.
41. Ramon Agirre Lasarte, Actor. San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa.
42. Txomin Poveda, Sociologist. Urruña, Lapurdi.
43. Xabier Goirigolzarri Malaxetxebarria, Entrepreneur Mungia, Bizkaia.
44. Ximun Fuchs, actress. San Juan de Luz, Lapurdi.
Mundua "oso azkar" aldatzen ari dela azaldu du Arnaldo Otegik, militarismorantz eta autoritarismorantz doala, eta norabide horren aurkako jarrera duela koalizio subiranistak.
The chronicles say that the Aberri Eguna prior to Franco were very numerous. In 1934 in Vitoria-Gasteiz and 1935 in Pamplona more than 30,000 people met at a time when there was no private car. After the dictator's death, the Aberri Eguna had a rebirth in Hego Euskal Herria. In... [+]
Aberri egun jendetsua izan da Itsasun igandean.1500 lagunek manifestaldian parte hartu zuten eguerditan, Bagira prozesuak deiturik. Itsasuko plazatik abiatu dira Atharriraino. Eta elizaren ondoko oroit harrian izan dira hitzaldiak.
Bagira ekimenak, abertzaletasunari hats berria eman nahi dio Iparraldean. Transmisio historikoa landu da lehen fasean. Aberri Egunetik goiti gogoeta berriak abiatuko ditu, bide-orri berri bat adosteko.
Euskal Herria Batera plataformak dei egin du Aberri Egunaren bueltan antolatutako Udaberriko ikurraldia ekimenarekin bat egiteko, nork bere erara, "herritarron esku baitago euskal komunitatearen ospakizuna antolatzea eta ikurrak lau hazietara banatzea". Aurten beteko... [+]