At the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024, mobilisations and stoppages have been made demanding improved working conditions. What are the working conditions of the workers of La Vitoria?
Many factory workers charge the inter-professional minimum wage for working 40 hours a week, 970 euros net a month, so they are often forced to do overtime to get more money. It should also be taken into account that in Spain the day of our sector is very high, 1,760 hours a year. In many European countries it is about 1,500 hours.
On the other hand, working resources and infrastructures are rather precarious. Tools are old, not renovated and often broken. For example, cleaners, who happen to have lower wages, have to clean the entire factory floor with a working base. All this causes stress, fatigue and discomfort in the workers.
What has been the mobilization and unemployment of workers?
In general, well, it has been enriching to see the workers for the first time going out into the street and organizing themselves, out of dignity, over fears and pressures. It has been an arduous process, but also a nice one, because we have all decided in an assembly the steps to be taken. On the contrary, it has been painful to see the workers who have opposed us, who have complied with the company and questioned our actions. Listening to opinions like “those who have signed a contract of 970 euros have done so because they wanted” is hard, as if being poor was an option. However, I see this gap as a challenge to follow, because I believe it is necessary to work class awareness in our factory.
"Many factory workers charge the interprofessional minimum wage for working 40 hours a week, 970 euros net a month"
Seen from the outside, it seems that in this sector, at least among those dedicated to the public in bakeries, many workers are migrants and there is a significant change in the workforce. Is that the case? What is the profile of the staff?
This question would only be for an interview, but I will reply to you shortly. Most store workers, besides migrants, are women. On the contrary, in the factory most workers are men, among whom the most precarious jobs do them reasoned. Finally, the factory owners are white men. It is no coincidence, it is another example of this model of capitalist, patriarchal and racist society.
Six years ago there was no collective agreement in the sector and since then they have denounced the deterioration of working conditions. What are the demands of the workers and what does the company offer?
Another objective is to activate the collective agreement of Álava, as the improvements would be more evident: Collective improvements and improvements in Álava. We know that this is a long process, so in the meantime we have asked for minimal improvements to the company. The main ones are the wage increase in the CPI and the recovery of the purchasing power lost so far, but we also call for a reduction in working time and an improvement in paid leave.
The company, on the other hand, offers us a slight wage increase in exchange for giving up the amount that has so far left us unpaid.
They stress that the company has significant benefits as the situation of workers deteriorates.
Vitoriana is administratively formed by five companies, located on two floors, in two shops, and the last one is a real estate company, owner of the shops. But everyone's owner is the same, and partners are their family members. Money flows between companies are organised to further enrich their owner: the losses declared in one company are profits from another company of yours, etc. Play with him. However, in the last three years the company has made total profits of EUR 600,000.
"[Companies] fired the day after participating in the workers' assembly and this week there has been a new dismissal"
They had two meetings with the company, but they accused the company of “breaking the negotiations and trying to frighten the workers.” They have also denounced unfair expulsions. What happened?
The company, instead of hearing the demands we have, started a campaign against us in the workshop itself. And he talked to the workers one-on-one, to say, "When you vote yes, you have to vote yes, for the company," or, "If you want to make fame from here we make it easy." In addition, he dismissed a worker the day after participating in the workers' assembly and this week there has been a new dismissal. It is unacceptable, we are considering going to court.
On 5 January the mobilizations and stops “this first season” ended. Will there be more from now on?
On Tuesday we have a meeting in Precon [the Basque Government’s mediation service for the resolution of labour disputes], we hope to reach an agreement. If we do not succeed, we will call for the all-day strike on Thursday, and on the same day we will organise new prospective mobilizations, starting the second battle.
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