The Malaga artist Abel Azcona has been exiled in Portugal, where EiTB has participated. On social networks he already announced that if last week the judge called again to declare he already had an offer made from Portugal, under cover of staying at home. And he did. Azcona has no intention of appearing before the judge, who has quoted the two defendants today. It's already in Portugal. The Association of Christian Lawyers has denounced the Pamplona artist for "blaspheming" and "attacking religious feelings" by writing the word pederastia in a performance called "amen". The judge had already called him (February) to appear before the court, but he did not appear in the court either. On social media he also pointed out that he does not intend to do so again on this occasion.
It is a work carried out with 242 consecrated harassers that has been denounced by the Association of Christian Lawyers. In addition, other extreme right-wing groups have also attacked the Azcona: Make yourself heard or Franco Foundation. Azcona is defending its artistic freedom and refuses to declare, as he himself stated on social media.
This news has been published by Euskalerria Irratia and we have brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
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