Eba Blanco is the Vice-President of the Basque Parliament, the highest position achieved so far by none of the women of the party, from Begoña Errazti. He has been appointed secretary-general of Eusko Alkartasuna, as he has been the only real candidate who has attended the primaries of the party.
That is not what is known as the critical sector of the party. The latter presented Maiorga Ramírez for the office and yet his candidature was annulled by the Electoral Management Commission. Critics have denounced that Blanco "does not meet the conditions to be secretary general" and that "disregards" EA militants.
📻 @Maiorga Ramirez @ealkartasuna: 'Eba Blanco's claim has no legitimacy' 🔊Listen here the interview 👇:https://t.co/uC5Jg6qUwz #EA #Faktoria
— Faktoria (@fakamas EITB) October 28, 2019
The process of EA primaries began on June 24 with the resignation of Pello Urizar as secretary-general of the training to replace Patxi López.
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Zatituta zegoen EA azken urte hauetako uneren batetik aurrera, beharbada 2017an egindako bi kongresuetatik, edo 2019an huts egindako primaria prozesutik, edo honen harira sortutako borroka judizial gupidagabea hasi zenetik, akaso bost buruzagiren azken kanporaketatik... Berdin... [+]
EAko Nazio Batzorde Eragileak erabaki du lau urtez Maiorga Ramirez, Iratxe López de Aberasturi, Mikel Goenaga, Miren Aranoa eta Esther Korresen afiliazioa bertan behera uztea, “eskubide, betebehar eta diziplina Araudiaren urratze larriak egin dituztelako”.
Barne gatazka latza bizi dute Eusko Alkartasunako bi sektorek: batean egungo zuzendaritza dago, eta bestean haren kudeaketari kritika zorrotza egiten diona. Azken honetan dago Miren Aranoa (Buenos Aires, 1958), Nafarroako EAko koordinatzailea. Osasun egoera dela-eta,... [+]