The NGO Human Rights Watch has analysed the violations committed by Saudi Arabia on the Yemen border between May 2022 and June 2023. Saudi Arabia and Yemen limit and many migrants, mostly Ethiopians, decide to travel to Saudi Arabia fleeing the problems they face in Ethiopia, such as the Tigray War. Fleeing from Ethiopia to Djibuti, HRW discovers that Yemeni mafias cross the Gulf of Aden.
The organization reports Saudi Arabia's atrocities on the border, among other things, that they are shot nearby, mistreated before death and raped and tortured. Those interviewed by the NGO have explained that they have used mortars to “throw explosives” large human groups.
A total of 42 people have been interviewed by the NGO. He has analysed the limit between the Al-Raqw camp and the town of Al-Gar, which has reached 50 metres. The interviewed witnesses have used videos or photographs obtained from social networks or satellites to learn the situation.
Aurrekoan, ustezko ezkertiar bati entzun nion esaten Euskal Herrian dagoeneko populazioaren %20 atzerritarra zela. Eta horrek euskal nortasuna, hizkuntza eta kultura arriskuan jartzen zituela. Azpimarratzen zuen migrazio masifikatua zela arazoa, masifikazioak zailtzen baitu... [+]
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