The report published by the organisation on 5 December last denounces that Israel is committing genocide in the region. The organization has found sufficient evidence to conclude that Israel has done and continues to do genocide against the Palestinians in the Gulf of Gaza.
The report reveals that Israel, in addition to destroying Gaza, has applied miserable living conditions to the Palestinians, including malnutrition, hunger and disease. Amnesty International has also identified forced relocations, the destruction of living infrastructures and systematic policies to prevent the return of displaced persons.
Amnesty International’s Secretary-General, Agnès Callamard, has stated that Israel has treated the Palestinian population of Gaza as a civic group that does not deserve any human right or dignity, and has expressed its intention to provoke its own physical destruction.
As human beings, the report looks carefully at violations of international humanitarian law committed by Israel for more than nine months, between October 2023 and July 2024. The study includes interviews with 212 people, analysis of visual and digital data, satellite images and official statements from Israel.
“What is happening is genocide. It must be brought to an end,” said Callamard, stressing the risk that the states that continue to give Israel weapons will become accomplices to these crimes.
While claiming that Israeli actions in Gaza are legitimate and justified by the military objective of destroying Hamas, the organization has specified that this statement does not justify the crimes committed. Furthermore, the organization has insisted on the need to take all necessary measures to comply with international law and to protect the civilian population, something that Israel has repeatedly violated.
The human rights movement has denounced the passivity of the community, calling it “a stain of our collective conscience”. Callamard insisted that “governments should stop pretending they are incapable of ending this genocide.”
The organization has reiterated the need for international emergency measures, including targeted sanctions and the demand for Israel to suspend arms transfers in order to "curb the ongoing barbaries".
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