Errigora is pleased to report the results of the spring campaign 'Hand in hand'. In total, 120,000 litres of oil and 26,000 lots or lots from different parts of the Basque Country have been requested and will be distributed in the coming days.
"Thank you and congratulations to all of us who joined the #ESKUTIK Campaign of the Queen! This year we have received over 9,000 applications. Thanks wholeheartedly to the southern and central Navarra harvest for opening the door to over 9,000 kitchens. And also, congratulations, because we will also sow with the harvest: the huge support received from consumers will be a stimulus to take further steps in the field of production", said Errigorri.
In this campaign the identification Errigora Balioak has been presented. They wanted to emphasise that this new guarantee mark is the result of a decade of work and that it will now be a tool for tackling new challenges. "For this we call to join the Values of Errigora and the answer thrills us again. We have been particularly moved by the uncertainty in these times when we have the daily bread: over 9,000 small fires to solve the long road that will lead to food sovereignty." They have added that this is a new impetus for Errigora’s producers and volunteers, “to act courageously and to try to respond to the social and climate context, on an increasing scale”.
The producers have already started to prepare the box pallets and buckets that will reach the plaza of each locality, as they are complemented in auzolan with their own and other products. And from April 20, again in the neighborhood work, the trucks will reach the localities to organize the final deliveries that local volunteers receive to the consumer.
Martxoaren 10etik 26ra izango da udaberriko kanpaina. 'Beste modura, denona de onura' lelopean arituko dira gertuko ekoizpena, banaketa eta kontsumoa babestu eta sustatzeko, ager zonaldean euskara hauspotzen duten bitartean. Apirila amaieratik aurrera jasoko dira... [+]