The eviction of Lidia Gil, 89 years old and natural from Santurtzi, has been suspended. Gil has been living in the usufruct of a house in the Mamariga neighborhood for 17 years, and has tried to throw the vulture funds of the Coral Homes, the Caixa bank. On 3 June, they appeared at the trial and the judge ruled that both sides should reach an agreement so that the woman would not stay on the street. A month later, the citizens' platform Lidia has made it clear that the decision is final and that the dismissal has been paralysed because the tax fund has not brought any action against it.
Gil got the house two decades ago after a deal with the urbanism promoter of the company Jabyer Fernández Residencial Mamariga. Fernández offered Gil a new apartment in exchange for the apartment he lived at the time. During the construction of the new 4-year-old building, the entrepreneur left him a third house in the Mamariga neighborhood to live in the usufruct. But he was never given the new floor, and the woman has stayed for 17 years in the temporary shelter, where she has been rehoused.
The real estate Residencial Mamariga was declared bankrupt and the usufructo housing of Gil was left in the hands of the Coral Homes, the vulture fund of Banco La Caixa. The vulture fund was intended to dismiss women, and the case came to court in 2020. Previously, the nephew of Lidia Gil, Ángel Torres, had declared to the middle Deia that they had proposed that the fund pay the rent, but Coral Homes did not accept the treatment, as they wanted to sell their apartment. According to Torres, the price of housing was excessive, inconceivable, for a woman, with a pension of 660 euros.
Lourdes Torres, the niece of Lidia Gil, explained in an interview to the program What you are telling me Eitb, that when the house that was agreed with Residencial Mamariga was built, the apartment was sold to another person. It was then that the first trial was called, which was suspended. On the second occasion, Jabyer Fernández and the second defendant, Emilio Prieto, did not attend the protest concentration.
Etxerik ez dutenentzat gero eta zerbitzu gehiago ixten ari diren bitartean, kalean lo egiteko espazioetatik ere botatzen dituztela salatu du Etxebizitza Sindikatuak. Gasteizko kontserbatorioko zuzendariak eskatuta, hesiak jarri dituzte eraikineko arkupeetan, “txiroak euren... [+]