Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

They find in Nanclares an 87-million-year-old fossil ammonia.

  • A group of mountaineers has located in the vicinity of the village of Alavesa an ammon of about 60 centimetres in diameter. The Member of Culture and Sport of the Provincial Council of Álava, Ana del Val, stressed that this is "a great finding".

12 September 2024 - 16:05
Amonitearen irudia. Argazkia: Arabako Foru Aldundia

The "Paseo de los Fossils" is the place of the area of Nanclares of Oca, as it is not so rare to find remnants of an ancient time. It is exceptional: A group of mountaineers has found an ammon of about 60 centimeters high on Mount Gorbea. Ammonoid is a large group of missing molluscs of the Cephalopoda class. The discovery dates back to early September and has since remained in the hands of the Museum of Natural Sciences of Álava, precisely to gather information about the fossil. Experts estimate that this is a date of 87 million years ago, that of the Cretaceous.

The Member of Culture and Sport of the Provincial Council of Álava, Ana del Val, stressed that this is "a great finding, a finding undoubtedly very interesting, both for the public and for science".

The fossil will be exposed at the Museum of Natural Sciences of Álava and, with this discovery, three ammonies will be seen in their entirety. Nevertheless, the Restoration Service of Álava is obliged to carry out the scientific research and restoration work necessary for its conservation.




Photograph of extraction works. The piece has been found in its entirety. Photo: Provincial Council of Álava





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