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The debt to the Treasury of the 242 Basque taxpayers amounts to EUR 850 million, many of them real estate and construction companies

  • On Wednesday, the Basque haciendas published the listings with the names of the largest debtors in the Basque Country. The accumulated debt amounts to EUR 850 million. The Navarra Finance Office published last Tuesday the list of names on the list. Industrial and construction companies stand out in the lists of all territories.

30 June 2021 - 10:29
Last updated: 13:36
Eraikuntza eta higiezinen sektoreko enpresak nabarmentzen dira zordunen zerrenda guztietan (Argazkia: Ulleo)

The haciendas of Bizkaia, Álava and Gipuzkoa have published the list of the major debtors, with the names of taxpayers with more than one million debts in 2020. If the data for the three territories are unified, in December last year there were 242 which had more than one million debts.

In Bizkaia there are 159 debtors, amounting to EUR 454.35 million; in Álava there are 38 names on the list with a debt of EUR 132; and in Gipuzkoa there are 45 debtors with a debt of EUR 264 million. In total, CAV’s large debtors owe EUR 850 million to the Treasury, according to the same sources.

If we observe the listings by territories and observe the top five positions, in Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa the real estate and construction companies are the most indebted, and in Álava there are also companies related to these sectors that occupy high positions.

The biggest debtor in Bizkaia is Iurbenor Promotions, with a debt of almost EUR 52.3 million. It is followed by Moldis Echarro S.L., Industrias Domesticas S.A., GM Fuel Tank S.L. Abaroa S.A.

In the list of Gipuzkoa, Lagilur SL ranks first with more than 80.2 million euros of debt, followed by LH Commodities & Investments SL, Osinalde Echaniz Jose Ramón, Osinalde Echaniz Juan Miguel (both linked to the real estate sector) and Fagor Appliances S. Coop.

In Álava, Goya Sixty and Nine SL is the principal debtor, with a debt of over EUR 18 million, followed by Eguren Vitoria, S.A., Urco & Urbasa UTE, Ros Casares Centro del Acero SL, and Grupo Iicarcris SPE SL.

Data from Navarra

The Hacienda de Navarra published the list of debtors the day before the publication of the CAV data. In the case of Navarre, the document lists the names of companies and individuals who owe more than EUR 120,000, and not only those with a debt of more than EUR 1 million. It consists of 673 names, and among them they have accumulated a debt to Treasury of €319.9 million in 2020. In the case of this territory, the largest debt by sector, 39.04% (124.9 million), corresponded to the construction and housing sector.

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