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8,000 people in Baiona for the right to housing

  • The 32 agents who are at the origin of this demonstration have placed the quote of Saturday as the "beginning" to continue fighting and fighting against speculation and the right to housing. The demonstration will set in motion a "open to all" framework, which will take place the following day.
8.000 lagun batu dira Baionan etxebizitza eskubidearen alde (Irudia: Alda) Alda mugimendua

22 November 2021 - 08:45
Last updated: 10:15
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The EH Bai coalition announced seven months ago the objective of a demonstration on the day the Commonwealth of Iparralde debated the Local Residential Programme. Since then, many agents have joined the organisation and this 20 November have gathered the first fruits of this mobilisation. 8,000 people met on Saturday in Baiona under the motto “Vivre et se loger au pays [Lives in the village and lives in refuge], not to speculation!”

The organisers have been pleased, and have made it clear that "this is only the beginning" and that they are going to put in place a working framework "open to all". "This collective work, unity and cooperation are nothing more than to deal with the free market and its consequences", could be heard in the final speech. The call is addressed to the electorate: "Public authorities must have a much greater share in the market, especially by creating long-term land reserves and ensuring agricultural land. The right to housing, because it has more priority than having two dwellings, we must continue to fight the second dwellings. Those homes are stolen from people who want to live there."

In total, 32 agents and 2,000 citizens were called to mobilize, asking the elected witnesses for a “brave housing policy” that guarantees the right to take refuge. Among those attending this initiative, which was aimed at the questioning of the electorate, was the President of the Commonwealth, Jean-René Etxegarai. It remains to be seen what solutions are now coming from within the institution.

On the occasion of this mobilization, ARGIA has launched the report "The aggravation of the problem is an interpellation of the elect and a multiplication of the protests", in which the housing problem in Iparralde is explained in detail.

Here is a video with pictures of the demonstration:


?? Revive today's mass mobilization with images! [ES] It is the beginning of a broad citizen mobilization and the starting point of a broad front in favor of the right to housing! ? A great thank you from the heart to Sabina Hourcade, author of the video. **** ? Retour en imagenes sur cette journée de mobilisation haute en couleur! [FR] Le 20 noviembre le début d'une mobilisation large des du Pays Basque nord et d'un front collectif pour revendiquer le droit de vivre et se loger au Pays! Vidéo par la talentueuse Sabina Hourcade?

Posted by Vivre et se loger au Pays • No to speculation on Sunday, November 21, 2021




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