In total, of the 2018 budgets in Spain, 7,887,150 euros have been allocated to the Casa Real, of which almost 700,000 have been for family members. The king emeritus of Spain, Juan Carlos I, has earned 194,232 euros throughout the year for his participation in 24 events, which means a cost of 8,093 euros per year. According to the website of the Casa Real, he has attended shows such as bullfighting, mass, inauguration or football matches. The website itself allocates a 1.5% increase to expenditure.
Current King Philip VI, for his part, received a salary of 242,769 euros in 2018. In total he has participated in 187 events and has made numerous trips abroad: He has visited Mexico, the United States, Haiti and Peru, among others. In particular, it has earned an average of EUR 1,298 for each of the four disputed exercises.
These data have been published by Public-Private, and it has been made public on social networks that have asked for a referendum for the election of the monarchy or republic in Spain.
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