Employers will therefore be able to impose on workers a sixth day of work so that they can go to work on Saturday or Sunday. Furthermore, depending on "production needs", companies may at the last moment modify workers' schedules and timetables, only 24 hours in advance of the worker's notice.
In this respect, the reform also seeks to consolidate the "guards" contracts. In the case of workers who are considered as guards, it is intended to legalise the absence of fixed hours and give the employer the ability to decide on their work schedule on time. In such cases, the period of mandatory notification shall also be ridiculous: Schedules and schedules may be communicated to staff 24 hours in advance.
If this is not enough, the labor reform also provides for the facilitation of layoffs: if you have had an employer’s first contract, the government wants to make legal the dismissal of a worker without justified cause and without compensation. On the other hand, the protest blockades carried out by the strikers aim to allow for strong repression: The reform provides for sanctions of up to EUR 5,000.
In response, they have already taken to the streets in Greece. Last Thursday, protests against labor reform began in major cities: Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Larisa, etc. They went on strike in sectors such as transport, health and education.
Poliziaren eta manifestarien arteko talkek atxilotu eta zauritu ugari utzi dituzte ostiralean herrialdeko hiri nagusietan. Herritarrek gertatukoaren erantzuleak zigortzea eskatu diote gobernuari, ez baita oraindik istripuaren inguruko epaiketarik ireki. Greba orokorra deitu... [+]
Greece 1975. The country began the year as a republic, three weeks earlier, in the referendum on 8 December 1974, after the citizens decided on the end of the monarchy.
A decade earlier, in 1964, when King Paul I died, his son Constantine took the throne at the age of 23.
But... [+]
In 2019, in the waters of the Greek island of Cases, the National Hellenic Research Foundation and the Greek Ministry of Culture began a study. The result of the work has been recent and in total ten traces of boats have been found at different times. The oldest is about 5,000... [+]
Non volvín vello de Lesbos en Grecia. En Mitilene, a Asociación Vasca de Sabores ofrece a preto de 2.700 solicitantes de asilo unha comida ao día: arroz e potaxe, pan de pita e unha peza de froita. Límite de dignidade, 150 gramos por ración. O problema é que no campamento... [+]