The end of the year is usually used to read the previous 12 months. This year, moreover, acquires a special significance, as the pandemic has had a great influence on the number and characteristics of the actions, among other things.
According to data from the Xenpelar Documentation Centre, in 2019, 1,121 events were held with Bertsolarism as the axis; unlike those scheduled for the end of this year, 435 events are expected to take place in 2020. In other words, by comparing the two years, six out of ten have not been done. This has resulted in an economic loss of EUR 735,000.
The organisers have been able to carry out actions adapted to safety standards, so the consequences for certain types of bertsolaris actions have been greater.
That is the case with friendly and free sessions. These are the ones that make up the largest group in the bertsolaris square of each year: those that are held in meals or in the round table, and those that, without interpreter, the bertsolaris do in the street near the public. So far this year, the decline has been 58% in meals and 86% in pounds.
The festivals, that is, the bertsolaris on the stage and before them the spectators, have been the ones that have best endured the situation, although they have been less than last year: 138 have been done, 37% less. In some cases, they have also been substitutes for 'colloquia' and 'free', since there were no conditions to do so.
In the sessions held in December 2020, 52 to 41 were the festivals (more than last year, when 23 were held). Friendly 0 (last year 15), free 2 (last year 20) and extraordinary improvised 9 (last year 16).
Nafarroako Bertsolari Txapelketa udazkenean jokatzeak Bertsoaroa zikloa egutegian mugitzea ekarri du. Hiriari egiten zaion bertsolaritza eskaintza orekatu nahi izan dute horrela antolatzaileek, Nafarroako Bertsozale Elkarteak eta Iruñeko Udalak. Otsailaren 10etik 24ra... [+]