On the 27th, Coral Homes filed a eviction lawsuit against the Donostian woman, who lost the house in which her son had belonged to her mother and had used her as a guarantor. The pressure and mediation work carried out by Stop Evictions, Aloku Benta Berri and tenants Azora has allowed them to gain time to seek a solution.
In this news we tell the story of Ramona.
Etxerik ez dutenentzat gero eta zerbitzu gehiago ixten ari diren bitartean, kalean lo egiteko espazioetatik ere botatzen dituztela salatu du Etxebizitza Sindikatuak. Gasteizko kontserbatorioko zuzendariak eskatuta, hesiak jarri dituzte eraikineko arkupeetan, “txiroak euren... [+]