Trade unions ELA, LAB, ESK, Steilas, EHNE and HIRU have denounced that the economic paralysis decreed by COVID-19 has not paralyzed the "drama" of occupational accidents and illnesses in 2020. They have thus called on the Basque and Navarro governments to take urgent measures such as the increase in staff numbers, the restoration of competences in the field of Labour Inspection and Social Security, the publicity of mutual societies or the prohibition of hiring companies sanctioned in preventive matters.
The data published by the trade unions can be read in full here.
They have also pointed out that many accidents at work and illnesses are not considered as such: those classified as serious, in-itinere, accidents involving domestic workers, accidents involving carriers which are recorded as traffic accidents, etc. In addition, official data show 54% fewer fatal accidents than trade union statistics: "Who knows the difference between minor and serious accidents and illnesses, especially in the case of occupational diseases that are permanently destined for the public health system while mutual societies and companies save money", they regretted.
They stress that precariousness and poor quality of employment are the main causes of occupational accidents and diseases, to which must be added the damage that the pandemic has caused both physically and psychologically to the working class. "We don't know the data of workers who have been infected or died from coronavirus," they reported.
In view of the "seriousness of the situation", they reiterated the requests made on 15 January to the Basque and Navarro governments.
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