The International Organization for Migration has announced that at least 63 people have died in coastal waters of Cape Verde, in Africa, with the intention of accessing the Spanish State through the Canary Islands. According to the Government of Senegal, a total of 101 persons were on board when he left Fass Boy (Senegal) on 10 July.
Safa Msehli, spokesman for the International Organization for Migration, explained that the specific causes of the disaster cannot yet be known, but that "one month at sea can have serious consequences", such as hypothermia and dehydration.
“These deaths at sea are frequent, either in the Atlantic or in the Mediterranean, and show the desperation of hundreds of people fleeing war and misery and seeking a better life,” said the organization’s spokesman. It believes that “safe and regular” routes should be built for migrants so that traffickers do not “prosper” the situation.
Constant deaths at sea
In mid-June we learned that a boat carrying 700 refugees in Greek waters sank causing a lot of deaths. The authorities showed little willingness to combat it, as they questioned the version of the Greek coastguard.
The United Kingdom has also set up a naval prison to control immigration, in which some 500 people may be imprisoned. In Euskal Herria there are also similar cases of harassment; on 8 June the news was published that the Spanish Police Group of Irun wanted to spend holidays for the detention of migrants.
Europako Batzordeak lege-proiektu berri bat aurkeztu du asteartean. Dokumenturik gabeko pertsonak jatorrizko herrialdeetara edo igarotze-herrialdeetara deportatzeko prozesua areagotzea eta azkartzea helburua du.
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We Basques move our feet behind the witness of Korrika to proclaim that we want to survive as a Basque people in favor of our language, with the aim of the Basque Country we desire.
The tipi-tapa is the first step taken by a migrant person who leaves his homeland in Africa,... [+]