The Minister of Equality, Ana Redondo, has presented the Macro-Research on Trafficking in Women, Sexual Exploitation and Prostitution: the quantitative approach the main conclusions of the study. Among other things, they have analyzed 654,000 advertisements of prostitution published on the Internet and have carried out a work on "data and the dimension of the problem", waiting for the research to "broaden the social and political debate", according to Redondo. The full report will be published throughout October.
According to advanced data, it is estimated that there are at least 114,576 women engaged in prostitution in the Spanish state. More than half (51%) are Latin American, 16% are European and 29% are of unknown origin. Most of them are Colombian (28.3%) and Spanish (13.5%). Regarding age, 28% were between 18 and 24 years old, 32% between 25 and 36 years old, 7% between 37 and 45 years old, 1.6% between 46 and 55 years old and 0.26% were over 56 years old.
"Behind the data are women who are in a very vulnerable situation, who have suffered human and fundamental rights violations; we are obliged to continue working to eradicate situations of violence," he explained. In her words, research will contribute to the design of public policies against "this type of slavery." "What is not mentioned does not exist. It is therefore necessary to provide data on women and girls who suffer sexual exploitation or prostitution, in order to become aware of the magnitude of the problem and to address it through appropriate public policies".
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