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Call for a concentration in Donostia against 5G technology

  • Several movements will focus on Donostia-San Sebastián on the international day against electromagnetic pollution, June 24, to demand an analysis of the impact 5G technology has on health.

23 June 2020 - 18:02

The expansion of 5G wireless technology and antennas in recent months has caused serious concerns in some of them. In this regard, the Stop 5G platform of Alderdi-Eder of Donostia-San Sebastián has called for next Wednesday, 24 February, a concentration in which, among others, will participate Biica-bide (Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Association of People Affected by Electroperilogical Sensitivity of Gipuzkoa), The concentration will also take place in other cities in the Spanish State.

As the callers have explained, authorities and telephone companies have taken advantage of the confinement to disseminate 5G technology. They also mention in some way Covid-19, a tgonlogy that “some voices associate with the deterioration of our immune system,” they say. The calls state that the effects of wireless technology on the environment and health have been "scientifically documented" for "decades". Despite this, very different opinions have been generated.

“We live in an increasingly radiant environment – they say in their annotation – and in the near future, with 5G there is exponential growth, especially because satellites are going to radiate the waves from space.” In this respect, they call for a look beyond the mere economic utility of this technology and for other costs to be taken into account: “Impacts on life in general and on the health of individuals in particular.”

They've also given some data. According to his estimates, there were 700 4G antennas in Switzerland and now, when the new technology is deployed, 26,000 are expected to be deployed: “In mid-April, Switzerland banned 5G.”

They call on the institutions to establish a moratorium until they know the transparency and real risks of 5G: “A free society can be nothing more than information and is negating the negative impact of new technologies; then we are prevented from freedom and, therefore, the possibility of protecting ourselves.”

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