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50,000 people seeking justice in Pamplona

  • The largest demonstration in Pamplona was held on Saturday afternoon in solidarity with the people of Altsasu, and many believe that it was the largest in Pamplona. According to the local police, 38,000 people were present and the organizers said 50,000. It was a beautiful day in Pamplona and the crowd welcomed and enjoyed the capital throughout the day. On Monday, the 16th, the trial against the ten youths begins in Madrid.  

16 April 2018 - 10:19
Argazkia: EkinKlik
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Golem began the demonstration in the cinemas at 5:30 p.m. and seeing the flooding from different parts of the city towards it, it was perceived that it would be very crowded before it began. The noise of the events in the previous days was exactly the same. Some of the most special moments of the demonstration could be seen in the following tweets. In addition to tens of thousands of citizens, there were representatives of the Parliament of Navarre and the Government of Navarre, as well as representatives of trade unions and many parties.

"Liberate the Altsasu" was the main initial cry and the most heard until the end of the demonstration. The photo on the right of the following tweet shows that the beginning of the demonstration was full, and that the route that the one on the left had to follow was also full. In the video below you can see the first steps of the main banner.

At the end of the demonstration the parents of the young people of Altsasu especially thanked the solidarity of those who came from different parts of the state. In the photo of the tweet below you could see a group from Madrid with their banner, the Catalans were also seen.


“This is not terrorism, we want justice,” the demonstrators often shouted. The leader of the hottest moments came to the Plaza de los Merindades, passing in front of the headquarters of the Delegation of the Government of Spain, where the demonstrators strongly supported the young people of Altsasu.

At the end of the event there were verses by Jon Maia, DreamArzalluz and Alaia Martin, when the square of the Castle was completely full and the crowd could not enter it. In the tweet you can hear the end of a verse by Alaia Martin. And in the tweet below the bertsolaris sang the popular song Fermin Valencia, "Navarra tiene cadenas" and was followed enthusiastically by the crowd.

At the end of the event, the members of the Free Atsasu platform took the floor and recalled that Adur Ramírez de Alda, Jokin Unamuno and Selva Arnanz have been imprisoned for 517 days on this issue, which they said is a huge disproportion. They thanked everyone who came to show their solidarity. It was obvious that the organizers were delighted with what they had achieved: the scandalous nature of the matter, the enormous work of the citizens of Altsasu and the beautiful weather produced an excellent result.

Bel Pozueta and Antxon Ramírez de Alda of the jailed youths were the last to take the stage (they are from the tweet below). They were excited and insisted that on Sunday they would go to Madrid with a different mood and that their children were the ones trapped in the net, but that they could be exactly the same as many others who were there. There are thousands of clashes between citizens and security forces every year across the state, and one has never demanded such punishment in any of them. In the oral case, which begins on Monday, the Attorney General’s Office demands a 375 year prison sentence for ten young people. According to the parents, it is not a question of being on one side or the other, but that the substance of the matter is the rights, which must be guaranteed. After thanking all the attendees, the event was delivered.



In the following photos of Ekin Click you could better see the crowd gathered in the Plaza del Castillo. The interval between the departure of the head and the departure of the last was almost two hours, and the length of the demonstration was almost two kilometers.

Photo by: Pictures of Ekin
Photo by: Pictures of Ekin
Photo by: Pictures of Ekin












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