On Thursday there was a public appearance of the Feminist Movement of the Old Town of Bilbao at the Civic Center of San Francisco. Under the motto “Defensa Vecinal Feminista ante las agresiones” the repression suffered by denouncing the alleged violation received in a bar, identifying a minimum of 20 people and receiving a fine of 2,500 euros each.
In February there were public events in which a woman denounced the owner of the bar Ormaetxe, accusing him of drug and rape. Once the story of the woman was known, the feminist movement of the neighborhood began a denunciation dynamic, which caused the convergence of several citizens with the dynamics. They have previously reported that the man accused of committing a violation has shown an aggressive attitude towards the public statement and has gone to the police, so they have identified at least 20 people "Different police forces" and punished two people with fines, accumulating a total debt of 2,500 euros.
They have also denounced the attitude of the police. They report that on more than one occasion they have been treated violently: "They've surrounded us, they've tried to intimidate us with threats, and the Cops on the street have followed us to identify us aggressively." Furthermore, they note that the two fines received are based on "falsehoods invented by Bilbao agents".
The position of the police is part of a comprehensive system that allows and leaves violence against women unpunished: "If you criminalize us, it's because you can. If you're drugged, it's because you can. They rape us because they can. And the rapists stay comfortable and quiet because they can. They're protected by an entire system. In courts, police stations, media, even in the street and bars".
Developments have led to the courts. The same feminist movement has gone to court after two members were fined. Consequently, a trial will be held before the Bilbao Courts on 10 January.
Claiming "neighborhood feminist defense" and "feminist justice," they have announced they will continue to organize their support in the face of aggression. They have created a resistance fund to pay fines and have put on sale a sheet created by the artist Uka to raise funds. It will be available until the end of the month at the Zirika store! of Bilbao and on the social networks of feminist groups Kalamiak and Akelarre.
Furthermore, they anticipate that they will mobilize on this matter.
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