In the hope of ensuring the safety of women, 50 cameras will be installed at all stations of the Bilbao Tram. In addition to the currently established sites, they will be installed in another fourteen stations. Four cameras shall be placed on each side of the sidewalk and on each roof. These cameras are connected to Atxuri headquarters and will be able to view live images and save them for 30 days.
The initiatives being launched on the rail network respond to the Basque Government’s intention to put an end to “insecurity”. They say it will be a “step forward” in security and will affect women in particular.
Where will they put them?
Today there are only cameras in Abando and Atxuri. They will now be installed in Bolueta, La Peña, Ribera, Arriaga, Pío Baroja, Uibitarte, Guggenheim, Abandoibarra, Euskalduna, Sabino Arana, San Mamés, Hospitals, Basurto and La Box. They will start at the end of the year with the camera facilities.
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