Since September, the letter Con tutto il cuore (With all my heart) has been published this week by Domani. The signatories say that plans are being made both in the seminaries and in the ecclesiastical institution to eliminate all signs of homosexuality, in order to promote pure sexual morality among the priests in training. But homosexual priests wanted to claim their place within the Church.
“We cannot talk about our sexual orientation with family and friends, let alone with other priests,” they say, denouncing that the Church has internalized homophobia. Moreover, the signatories declare the existence of homophobic gay priests who discharge the conflict inside them. For homosexual priests, the signatories want to change “silence is the only way to survive.”
As in Italy, in Spain, the authors of the letter have considered that the Church has a lot to do with the far right and that this also influences. Since Giorgia Melón came to power, they criticize that the internal documents of the Church almost obsessively use "gender ideology".
Elizak 23 kasu ditu onarturik Nafarroa Garaian. Haiek "ekonomikoki, psikologikoki eta espiritualki laguntzeko" konpromisoa adierazi du Iruñeko artzapezpikuak.
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