Once a day the game is 5 years old, when it started the week of March 4, 2019.
And with the idea that there are five years, Aldi Eguna's team has thought about celebrating it with a special week. Among others:
New types of questions. New questionnaires have also been published.
Special questions about the game. This week users will be asked special questions about the game
Special prizes! The prize will consist of the delivery of 100 exclusive shirts, illustrated by Zaldiero (Patxi Huarte).
In these 5 years they have been 14 seasons and 160 weeks. In total, over 220,000 people have played a game in the game. 63 thousand in the last season, in 2023
50 million items and 500 million questions answered.
Last season the game sponsors were 20,000 clicks of the app.
The leaders believe that the best advertising platform in Basque
Encourage you and those around you!
Niri asteazkenean iritsi zait mezua, whatsapp bidez: “Lagundu iezadazu munduari itzulia ematen. Nico naiz” (ikusi irudia). Ziztu bizian zabaldu da astearte goizean Madrilgo ikastetxe batean abiaturiko esperimentua: helburua, ohartzea irudiak zeinen azkar hedatzen... [+]
Android gailuetan euskararen presentzia gorabeheratsua da eta teklatuaren kalitatea aldakorra da. Ondorioz jende askorentzat telefonoan euskaraz idaztea beste hizkuntza batzuetan idaztea baino deserosoagoa da. Bestalde teklatu hauetako askok pribatutasun aldetik zalantzak... [+]
Proposal by the Donostian artist Esther Ferrer: a poetic tour of San Sebastian. San Sebastian 2016 commissioned him to do the Poetry Route. It is a street exhibition with panels in 12 points, such as the kiosk of Easo Square, the Plaza de la Constitución, the watch of the... [+]
Harreman berriak egiteko Tinder aplikazioan elkar ezagutu duten bi gazte dira iragarkiko protagonistak. Mutilak etengabe kargu hartzen dio neskari, badakiela neskak Tinder erabiltzen jarraitzen duela eta “atsegin dut” ematen diela beste mutil batzuen profilei.