The Stop Evictions platform of Donostia-San Sebastian has reported that the same fund that has purchased housing from Donostia-San Sebastián also bought 3,000 social housing in Madrid and increased the rental price by 150%. The same thing happened in Barcelona, where the price rose by 70%. It is clear that the next city is Donostia-San Sebastián, as they have denounced that it has become a target for vulture funds, according to Berria.
Residents have been concerned, as most of the 300 homes have rentals of between 600 and 900 euros, although there are also homes that reach 1,600 euros, so they will not be able to pay the increases if they exist.
Given this situation, the Stop Evictions platform of Donostia has called a demonstration for this Saturday, February 15, at 12:00 hours from Ijentea Street.
On the other hand, Testa Residencial has acquired 160 social housing units in Pamplona, according to EH Bildu in the Urban Planning Committee. As explained by EH Councilor Bildu Endika Alonso, at the time when the social charter status was terminated they bought vulture funds and increased rental prices.
The councilor has denounced that many of the families living in these dwellings are at risk of exclusion and that this increase in prices can leave them in the calle.Por another part, Euskalerria Irratia reminded the municipal government that in the last legislature declared Pamplona a city "without eviction".
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