In his book he narrates his life and, among other things, the difficulties they had in surviving in their family, and that in their youth he entered and went to prison. The Panther politicized when he met the members of the Black Party.
There he moved to Louisiana Prison, the largest U.S. maximum security prison, known as Angola, to collaborate in the organization of the Black Panther to denounce the dire living conditions they had. There are currently 6,300 prisoners and 1,800 prison staff.
In 1972, shortly after his presence, he was accused of killing jailer Brent Miller, he and his fellow prisoners, Herman Wallace. These two men always maintained their innocence, saying that by their political activity they became limits of tendency. Woodfox, Wallace and a third man, Robert King, became popular in the United States as "the Angola 3" or the three in Angola.
For decades, Amnesty International and many other groups have lost their freedom. Robert King was released in 2001, when his punishment had no effect. Herman Wallace was released in 2013, after being threatened by a judge, to prison director Angola telling him that if he did not release him that same day, he would be imprisoned. Wallace died the next day, on the street, with kidney cancer.
But the Louisiana prison authority refused to release Albert Woodfox, the day he turned 69 until February 19, 2016.
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