116 women are at risk of staying in the street in the Mothers Mercerías residence of the Ibarra de Orozko district (Bizkaia): 43 workers and 73 users with functional diversity. The workers appeared on Wednesday at LAB in Bilbao to report the situation.
The Havana Mother Congregation has just announced that they will leave the service and close the workplace if no one buys. To manage the situation, the EDE Foundation has been hired, whose action has been denounced by the representatives of LAB and the ESK organization: "EDE has distanced us from any negotiations and told us that it is better to avoid noise".
They denounce that the Provincial Council of Bizkaia is the "directly responsible" for the conflict because it is the owner of this public service and consider that it has looked "on the other side". The workers call for a meeting with the highest official, Sergio Murillo, to "assume their responsibilities and solve this situation". "The situation is very serious, not only for us, but also for the women we care for. For these women, this residential center is their home." They indicate that users of the center may be included in the waiting list, as these types of centers are already busy.
In 2019, wages are frozen and the annual working day is extended to the workers of the congregation, through the Fundación Amigos putre fund. To cope with the situation, they began to fight for the defence of rights, and since then they have carried out 21 days of strike and several demonstrations.
Faced with the risk of dismissal, 7 days of strike were called from 6 to 12 February. They are calling for jobs to be maintained, purchasing power to be restored and annual working hours to be reduced, and they are saying that these days "will not be the last days if rights are not respected". Mobilisations will be made: daily concentrations at the Ibarra work centre at 14:30 hours and demonstration on 8 February from the headquarters of the EDE Foundation in Bilbao at 10:00 hours.
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