Hala Bedi, Free Communication Media of Álava, presented on Saturday the programming for the new course at the bar Hala Bedi of the street Cutlery. From 11 noon onwards, a live radio program was held from the bar, full of guests to get to know the news of the course. And in the evening, in the Jimmy Jazz room, No Name: Tiriti! To finish the day we had the concerts of Egoza and Haizea x Ningra x Dj X.
Besides typical magazines, there are 43 radio programs available on both television channels: Hitz, Release the Pot, Zebrabidea, Zebrabidea. Hala Bedi Bat in the bilingual chain (107.4 FM in Vitoria and Lautada / 107.7 FM in Rioja Alavesa) and Hala Bedi Bi in the chain entirely in Basque (Online and soon in the waves). Of these programs, 13 will be in Basque, 29 in Spanish and one in Galician, and will be broadcast in Spanish.
In addition, thanks to the Arrosa network, 11 radio programs produced in other radios of Euskal Herria can be heard on our waves.
In total, seven new radio programmes have been added to the Hala Bedi waves:
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