The Ministry of Health does not agree that the European Union should take homeopathy as a medicine. During the mandate of pp, more obstacles and controls were established in the conditions of registration of these products and the PSOE has followed the same line. It has recently sent a petition to the European Union for homeopathic products to leave the market in Spain. He has also told Europe that homeopathy is nothing more than a social conviction, a proven belief that it does not bear fruit, a business.
However, the Government of Spain, following the guidelines of the European Union, will register homeopathic products as medicines in Spain. It will be 2,008 products that we will be able to find on the market if we get the license. Of these, 12 ask that they be not available to everyone, that is, that they could only be obtained with a medical prescription.
Sendagaien kontsumoa handitzen ari da –bai gizakiona, bai abereena– eta horrek sendagaien hondakin bolumena handitzea dakar. Sendagaien hondakinek ingurumenean duten inpaktua aztertu nahi izan du Saioa Domingoren doktore-tesiak.
For a while, girls and boys from families in social difficulties, wanting to participate as little as possible in the oppressive socio-economic system, try to settle in the world of manufacturing: they cultivated their creative capacities in the production of jewelry or... [+]
The Ekin Emakumeak association operates in Arrasate. “Our three axes are Euskera, diversity and women,” said Amagoia Muniozguren Urkiza. During the months of February and March, a workshop of herbs for women to work on self-management of health has been held.