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Azkoitiarra Txetxu Urteaga dies after 40 years of escape

  • The deported Azkoitiarra Jesús Ricardo Urteaga Txetxu died in Venezuela this Thursday from cancer he had suffered for years. He fled Azkoitia in 1979 and was arrested in France in 1984. In May of that same year he was deported to Venezuela. He has lived there until now, until the cancer has killed him.

03 April 2020 - 14:59

Sortu has expressed to the family of Urteaga his "affection and solidarity" with the Basque pp. It has also transferred its solidarity “to all the families of Basque refugees and deportees, as well as those who are still in prison and exile”.

The Pro-Amnesty and Anti-Repression Movement has also conveyed its condolences to the family: “We denounce the death of Jesus Ricardo without being able to return to the Basque Country.”

The AAEA movement has recalled that deportation is an unknown punishment: “Despite not being in jail, the deportees live in a legal limbo, because, despite the past years, the penalty never ends.”

You are interested in the channel: Deportatuak
A wave of citizens in favour of a final solution for prisoners, escapes and deportees
The demonstration called by Sare Herritarra last Saturday in Bilbao has filled the streets of Bilbo also in this beginning of the year. In the final act, they have called for an end to the laws and treatments of exception that apply to prisoners and for a "collective" memory for a... [+]

The editorial Ataramiñe turns 20 and produces an anthology with various works of these years
The editorial Ataramiñe was born in 2002 and has since published writings of Basque political representatives. Until 2017 he published collective works and with some of them he has completed the anthology: The blue sky is far away. Ataramiñe 2002-2017. It is not the only... [+]

2022-09-15 | ARGIA
Three political deportees return to Basque Country from Cape Verde and Cuba
The Etxerat association has announced that this summer Emilio Martínez de Marigorta and Felix Manzanos have returned home from Cape Verde and Iñaki Rodríguez Kuba. But there are still five other deportees and 24 political exiles outside Euskal Herria.

Look at Azkarate Badiola. Children's story with bags
“I’ve felt like a child, a teenager and an adult with bags”
Donostiarra Miren Azkarate Badiola collects testimonies from children of refugees and Basque political deportees who have experienced various situations to publish them in a book. Without any comparative intent, “because the feelings and experiences of children incarcerated... [+]

Eugenio Barrutiabengoa Zabarte ‘Arbe’
“Etxera bueltatu nahi dut, hemen gauden guztiek bezala”

Eugenio Barrutiabengoa Arbe arrasatearra 1978an errefuxiatu zen Ipar Euskal Herrian. Komando Autonomo Antikapitalistetako militantea 1981ean atxilotu zuten lehenbizikoz, eta asignazioa apurtu ostean Baionan bigarrengoz, 1984an. Venezuelara deportatu zuten orduan, María... [+]

Epaiketarik gabeko kondena amaigabea

1984. eta 1989. urteen artean Frantziak, Espainiarekin adostuta, 70 euskal herritar deportatu zituen Afrikako eta Hego eta Erdialdeko Amerikako hamar herrialdeetara. Euskal Herrian 60ko hamarkadan loratu zen pizkunde eta borroka zikloari estatuek emandako erantzun... [+]

Juanjo Aristizabal eta José Miguel Arrugaeta
Bizitza oso bat deportatuta

Juanjo Aristizabal Kortajarena trintxerpearrak eta José Miguel Arrugaeta San Emeterio bilbotarrak ondo ezagutzen dute deportazioa. 1984an deportatu zituzten biak: Panamara eta ondoren Kubara Arrugaeta; Panamara eta ondoren Venezuelara Aristizabal. 2014an itzuli zen Euskal... [+]

Ione Idigoras Santana
“Aitortza egin behar diegu seme-alaba eta bikotekide guztiei, asko sufritu eta eman dute”

Ione Idigoras ez duzu deportatuen zerrendan aurkituko, baina 30 urtez sufritu du lehen pertsonan. Bere bizipen gordina beste askoren arteko bat dela dio, bereziki emakume eta seme-alaba askorena, eta ahaztutako errealitate horien aitortza aldarrikatzen du, minez bezain irmo.

2020-09-29 | Mikel Eizagirre
Cuban diplomat José Antonio Arbesú dies
Exiles have emphasized the diplomat's "solidarity and commitment" to the deportees of the Basque Country during the 1980s.

"The Basques are the antiheroes we always reach the happy ending"
Etxegarai has the ability to give a color account to an event as tremendous as the most. Moreover, he has chosen a specific genre: adventure. He is about to write the last page of the 35 years of adventure of his deportation: that of the former soldier who was made all new.

2019-10-09 | ARGIA
They ask for the economic help of the citizens to make the documentary about the return of Alfonso Etxegarai
Former ETA member Alfonso Etxegarai has been deported for 33 years in Africa and at the end of September it was known that he has just returned to Euskal Herria. The documentary Caminho longe wants to tell that return and for that it is collecting the contributions of the... [+]

Deported Alfonso Etxegarai returns home after traveling over 5,000 kilometers
Alfonso Etxegarai was forced to leave Plentzia in 1978 and since 1986 he has lived in the African country of Sao Tome and Principe.

2018-01-29 | Mikel Asurmendi
Orain 34 urte hasitako deportatuen egoera amaitzeko garaia da

Euskal Iheslari Politikoen Kolektiboak (EIPK) legeria arrunta eta “errealitate printzipioa” eskatu du iragan asteburuan, Irunen egindako IV. Foro Sozialaren karietara. Kolektibo honen iritziz, iheslari eta deportatu andana etxera liteke “salbuespenezko... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude