The news has been disseminated by the media when the Eiharte de Hazparne plans to complete its trajectory. Created 38 years ago, he has since created and organized various events such as the Zinegin Festival, the Txoria Txori Theatre Festival, the Francis Jammes Theatre Festival, the cultural week, the Musikaldia de Elizaberri, the Arteguna... Those responsible for the Eihartzea have distributed a note in which they distributed: “In this dark period of pandemic, the Eiharte association, after several months fighting in the resuscitation bed, has expired its last breath.”
Because the number of attendees has been decreasing in recent years, the association had reduced its activities and also the number of organized events, trying to guarantee the Zinegin festival, the Carnivals and the security of Olentzero. “We thought there might be more attendees, but that’s not the case,” said Eiharte’s leaders. However, they have made it clear that the association is in a good economic situation and have shown their willingness to cooperate in monitoring the Eiharte in the event of a succession of structural responsibilities.
In any case, they have chosen the date indicated on 1 November to celebrate Eiharte’s funeral or dizziness to date, in the same mood as those in charge of the Farewell Association. That day, at 17:00 a.m., Eiharte's friends and collaborators will meet to make a final joint stake at Francis Jammes Street in Hazparne.
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