The Gaztetxe de Vitoria-Gasteiz is 34 years old. In particular, on 28 April, thirty-four years have passed since the eviction and occupation of the old garage of the Bishopric of the Old Town of Vitoria-Gasteiz, in a demonstration that, at the initiative of the Youth Assembly of Vitoria-Gasteiz, brought together some 300 people. That was in 1988.
This year, to celebrate the keeping of the house for 34 years, the Gaztetxe assembly has organized an all-week program under the motto "Hogeitamalas". On Tuesday, April 26, in the afternoon, the gaztetxe hosted workshops of all kinds: bulder meeting, pandero workshop and poster. On Wednesday, 27 April, concerts of the Seiurte Berriz and Hartz rock groups in Azkoitia will be offered, starting at 19:00 hours.
On Thursday, April 29, there will be an open auzolan in the gaztetxe, and the assembly has encouraged groups and people to work together and come and have a good time. Starting at 10:00 in the morning, the work will take place throughout the day in the gaztetxe.
Finally, on Saturday 30 there will be an all-day party that will end the anniversaries. From noon onwards, gaztetxe will host a puppet and mural painting. After popular food, on the Auzolana fronton. From Monday the tickets will be for sale at the Taberna Hala Bedi for 5 euros.
Finally, four groups will offer concerts in the gaztetxe: Gamarra's rokanrol group Kandido KK; Lekeitio's punk group Zikin; Getaria's Oki Moki; and US Hotline TNT groups.
Errekaleor, Olarizuko etxe okupatuak, Alde Zaharrekoak... Hautu politikoz zein behar gorri hutsez okupatzen dutenen aurkako bandera harro altxatzen du Gasteizko EAJko alkate Gorka Urtaranek, PPren diskurtsoa –eta bozak– bere eginez. “Lapurrak”,... [+]
20 urte dira 198 iratxok Gasteizko kaleak hartu zituztela, 2002ko urtarrilaren 25ean. “Metro erdiko izakitxoak, aurpegi zirtolarikoak eta belarri estu-luzeak zut, irribarretsu, kolore biziz jantziak”. PPko alkate Alfonso Alonsok begiz jota zuen Gasteizko gaztetxea,... [+]